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Consultations & Prices

Initial Consultation

When you first come to the clinic you have a full initial consultation to clarify why you are having health issues and make plans to improve you health.

This can last up to 60 minutes and depending on the complexity of your symptoms could extend for a further 10 minutes. This is necessary as complex or persistent pain or anxiety can effect both movement and posture that may necessitate photographs and analysis of your overall movement.

Client forms will be sent to you to give you enough time to fully complete to ensure all of your symptoms are covered in our first consultation.

Cost of this initial consultation is $140 to be paid either when booking or at the time of the consultation.

Consultation Options

During your initial appointment you and Jean will discuss options for your treatment. Obviously this will depend on your condition, the severity of your pain and the amount of time to research and develop a treatment plan.

Long Consultation

The duration of most consultations is between 50 and 70 minutes.

If you have complex chronic pain it may be worth considering the "pain relief package' detailed below.

For anxiety and stress future consultations will depend on the type of treatment that is best suited for your needs. 

You will also be expected to put recommended changes into effect, or to try easy self-help techniques at home.

Short Consultation:

After your initial consultation you may decide that a shorter appointment may be easier to fit into your day, or prefer shorter more regular treatment sessions.


There is always the possibility of a pre-pay option that we can discuss if this would be more suitable it you'd like to have a treatment plan, see Genoa Pay below.

Pain Relief Package

The Pain Package is to create a plan to have a minimum number of consultations as

it's important to realise that it can take from 6 - 12 weeks to achieve substantial change in pain levels, although some people can notice a real difference, immediately after treatment.

This is pre-pay option of five consultation that provides a 20% discount to pay-as-you-go.

Weekly payment options available with Genoapay

Spread your health payments over 10 weeks

Cancellation Policy


It's important to do your best to keep your booked appointment as someone else could have used that time and unused time loses income for the clinic.

If you have to re-schedule your appointment, please ensure that you give 48 hours notice to avoid paying full price.

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