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Emotional Release Therapy Christchurch or Online

Emotional Release is a gentle process where I introduce different techniques to help you identify any emotional blocks that could be causing you pain, anxiety or prevent you living life with joy.

Emotional release therapy is a private experience. You do not relive or re-experience trauma as you do with talk therapy.

What Happens in Emotional Release Sessions?

In our consultations you decide the steps you want to take to release your emotions. Gently stepping over or breaking down the emotional blocks that stop you making changes and also can keep you living with chronic pain.

Some of the techniques we could use are: -

  • Visualization

  • Relaxation techniques

  • Imaginary role play

  • Expressive writing

  • Integrative movements

Testimonial from Chronic Pain Client

“I was desperately miserable and in so much physical pain from a work acquired back injury when I searched online for someone to help me.

After five sessions, my emotional pain was completely cured (trust me, before I worked with you, I was viciously angry and totally depressed) and I felt like a new woman!

After our final session together, I walked out of your rooms feeling like a normal person again - happy and full of life!”. Mel B

I contacted Mel 4 years later: -

“I am still pain-free even after having a baby, starting a new business, and running around after an energetic 2-year-old and working as a clinical nurse!!!

I am fine and well and still pain free!”

Where can I find Emotional Release Therapy?

The emotional treatment I have designed, is available in Christchurch, New Zealand.


Many of the methods I have developed over 20 years of working face to face with clients with a wide range of health issues and personal concerns, especially long term chronic pain.

These methods are now being recommended particularly for chronic pain by people like Howard Schubiner and others.


They are introducing emotional therapies or more correctly therapies that allow people to let go of emotions. They are sharing their ideas with the medical profession and the general public.

I'm pleased to be able to offer this to people in Christchurch I hope to offer this online later in the year.

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