Constant or Chronic Back Pain
If you have to keep having regular treatments that only relieve pain,
perhaps its time to find the cause of your pain
Pain is experienced when the muscles are not working properly as a team, pulling bones and joints out of place and the body becomes unbalanced. The symptoms of your pain can be relieved by a variety of therapists, however when pain returns a day or two later it’s then classed as ‘persistent pain’, as opposed to acute pain when we cut, break or damage our body.
Muscle Tension Causes Pain
I treat ‘rock hard’ muscles every day. This ‘overtension’ in muscles is caused by the nervous system not sending a ‘release’ message. You may be walking around with muscles that are totally switched on, that never switch off, let go or relax. This constant tension can cause pain and permanent misalignment, if it continues.
Change this Muscle Tension to Reduce Pain
If your muscles continue to be held in such tense way several changes may occur:
This tension may be your 'new normal' becoming the way your muscles hold this tension.
Even with treatments such as massage, chiropractic or osteopathy any release of these muscles will be only temporary relief. Imagine a piece of very strong elastic that springs back!
This compensation treatment can understandably become addictive as it gives a few hours or days relief, but can be time consuming and expensive.
A longer term effect is a body separation of putting the pain aside, not really connecting to your body, as you have to continue to live your life, unfortunately in chronic pain.

Find more information: click on links below
Kinesiology stopped back pain after four sessions
How we treat chronic pain at clinic
Pain Management Programme
Our Pain Research on the effectiveness of Kinesiology
The Effect of our Posture on our Health and Wellness
Getting rid of chronic back pain
The video below demonstrates the problems you can have with movement when pain has been around for a while, such as beginning to limp.
Brian had four consultations for these changes that you can see in his movement and to be without pain.
His treatment goals were:
‘I’m more flexible, then:
‘My lower body is moving as I want it to’
The goals for kinesiology treatment are holistic goals rather that something like ‘fix my shoulder’, as the problem may not have it’s roots in the shoulder itself but another part of your body.
On-going pain can be an enormous challenge for
young people too!