New Knee or Hip Pain Treatment - Christchurch
Knee and hip pain have been put onto the same page because with our holistic natural therapy clinic it's not useful to separate these two parts of the body in respects to pain.
In our natural solutions for chronic pain we always have to consider the implications of the spine flexibility and possible back pain.

Our movers and supporters - Knees and Hips
More than any other pain that we deal with at our pain clinic in Christchurch knee and hip pain make a real difference to the way we stand, the way we sit, the way we move and our general posture.
Pain in the knee or hip may often cause a disability, sometimes an obvious disability that others can see and can sympathise.
Today knee and hip replacements surgery is becoming common throughout the world see figures below however, as with this client's Failed Back Surgery Syndrome (FBSS), knee and hip replacements are best reserved for when all other avenues of pain relief can been exhausted.
Initial Posture and Movement Assessment at Christchurch Pain Clinic
If movement or posture could be a problem one way that we can find out what is happening is to observe how you move - this is optional but may be helpful.
Four view photographs and a video of your movements establishes for both you and your practitioner your range of movement and shows the extent of unbalanced muscles.
Full history of the development of your pain, over months or over years
Emotional and social effects of your pain
What you'd like to achieve from treatment at our clinic
Plan how you'd like to feel and be moving within two months, although changes can occur from the first kinesiology treatment.
Photos of before and after treatment of chronic back pain
As you can clearly see from the photographs above there is a positive change in her posture so I'd like you consider the impact of poor posture can have on chronic pain, regardless of where the chronic pain is in your body - back pain, knee pain, shoulders, hips or feet.
Emotional impact of chronic knee or hip pain can impact your daily life. Often the way you feel and think about your pain is not discussed.
We believe that with support, knowledge and shown ways that you can begin to take control and learn self help pain relief the more positive impact on your pain.

Importance of Muscle Balance for Chronic Pain Relief

There are many muscles that influence the function and movement of your hips.
Imbalances in these muscles can lead to wear and tear of both the hip joint and the knees.
The reason why we have such success of stopping pain is because ideas around neural network problems causes by trauma or challenges in the past is vastly different to most other therapies.
New ideas proven by research to improve recovery from chronic pain using a range of methods to bring understanding about what is happening and perhaps begin to explain why medication doesn't work for you.
Take Control of Your Pain
Chronic Pain is Complicated and Challenging
Your pain may be in your hip, your knee or knees, but the cause of your pain can be elsewhere in your body.
This is the reason why any pain professional you speak to asks many questions that don't seem to be about your knee or the part of your body that is hurting.
Physical Damage may not be Cause of Pain
Research has shown that we all have some degeneration of bones, joints and the tendons that hold them together. By the widespread use of MRI's over the past decade we now know physical damage doesn't mean pain. As people can have considerable degeneration but never have pain.
Although we are familiar with pain - such as hitting our finger with a hammer or bruising or breaking our arm - the pain that we recognise so well is mostly what doctors call acute pain. In time this pain will heal itself.
Below are examples of Acute Pain and will heal
the red, swollen painful finger that you hit with a hammer will heal on it's own in a few days. We may use some self-care to give relief during this time.
the bruised arm will gradually change colour as it heals over the days and weeks. Then it will no longer be painful.
the broken arm will take longer, needing a cast to hold the bone in place as your innate healing system of your body produces chemicals that cause healing to take place.
Chronic Musculoskeletal Pain is Different
You may have injured your knee or fell onto your hip BUT if it hasn't healed within 3 months your pain is then classified as chronic pain. Strangely enough it feels the same, sore or sometimes very sore, but what we now know is that the body has healed itself, physically. There is no longer any tissue damage but for many reasons you can still be in pain. You feel the pain!
Your Brain Remembers the Pain - Neuroplasticity
Although the healing process has - generally speaking - taken place and there is now nothing physically wrong. But your brain keeps sending you pain messages that originate from various areas of your brain. This is where neurology or the nervous system takes over and why treatment of chronic pain becomes more complicated than taking a pill or having an operation.
You may find this article of interest 'Why am I in Chronic Pain'
Some things to consider about knee or hip replacements
"The latest figures from the New Zealand Joint Registry showed there were 8373 initial hip replacement procedures and 1168 revision hip replacements in 2015. According to the registry, the number of initial hip replacements was increasing each year - there were 1411 more in 2015 than 2007" June 9 2017
Could we be taking better care of our knees and hips?
Unfortunately we often take our joints such as knees and hips for granted, rather than ensuring they are in working order. This article will give your some ideas how to take care of your joints and give you pause for thought before strong pain killers, injections and surgery.
Some causes of knee & hip pain
Complications of hip and knee operations: this is major surgery.
Although complications are possible with any surgery, your surgeon will take steps to minimize the risks.
The most common complications of surgery include:
Excessive bleeding
Blood clots
Hip dislocation
Limb length inequality
Damage to blood vessels or arteries
Ref: American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons
Information on knee replacements in New Zealand, show an increase in the number of operations, but not enough to keep up with population growth, leaving many people in permanent chronic hip, knee or back pain. So perhaps it's time to try muscle balancing to protect your joints and reduce your level of pain.
Of concern are revisions that may be needed for both procedures, necessitating more surgery and more recovery.
Check out all treatment options available for chronic pain first before surgery - it's a one-way door!
This article raises some questions about the causes of hip and knee pain. Also discusses way to slow down your walk towards artificial man-made parts into your hips or knees.
Interesting, the recommendations for rehab following surgery, these idea sound a great preventative option - before surgery?